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[公告] Oxford Summer Institute Program


轉知英國Oxford Summer Institute 2015年 Program之活動訊息,



Oriel College and CBL International Education will be able to offer students a unique and wonderful study abroad programme in Oxford, the city of dreaming spires:

1. NTHU students will study together with students from about 60 other nationalities and therefore can practice their English not only in the class room, but also when they interact with the international students from all over the world during sparetime activities, Saturday excursions, London workshops, and much more.

2. NTHU students could interact with all the students from Mainland China coming from the most prestigious universities such as PKU, your partner Tsinghua Beijing Campus, Renmin, or Fudan and they could be great Taiwan ambassadors to them.

3. NTHU students could not only participate in outstanding English as a Foreign Language courses offered as part of Oxford Summer Institute, but also in courses of International Law, Economics, Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics, and English Literature.

For information, please check the attachments below:


