
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2014歐盟(Erasmus Mundus Programme)博碩士課程獎學金

[公告] 2014歐盟(Erasmus Mundus Programme)博碩士課程獎學金


EUROPHOTONICS (http://www.europhotonics.org/wordpress/) is an Erasmus Mundus program that started in 2010 (coordinators: Aix Marseille Université–Institute Fresnel).

The other partners of Europhotonics are: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT), Karlsruhe School of Optics(KSOP) in Germany, Unversitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Institute of Photonic Sciences (IFCO), Universitat de Barcenola(UB), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) in Spain, University of Florence in Italy.

Grants for the Master (2 years) and the Doctorate (3 years) can offer to students from all over the world very interesting opportunities to follow high level courses in the partner institutions and to obtain very high level diplomas.

The Master program is accessible to Bachelor students willing to acquire a specialization in optics, photonics, optical engineering, biophotonics, optical engineering, nanophotonics and eletromagnetics. All the courses are taught in English. For the non EU students the grant is 1000 euros/month plus installation costs. For the EU students, the grant is 500 euros/month plus installation money.

The Doctorate program finances co-tutelle PhD thesis between 2 laboratories among the partners of the consortium. The doctorate program is open to non EU and EU students who have a Master diploma. The amount of the grant is around 1600 euros/month after taxes.

The applications are made online on the website:http://www.europhotonics.org/wordpress/

The application deadline for the next edition that will start in October 2014:
‧January 7 th, 2014 for the Master (Non European Students)
‧February 1 st, 2014 for the Master (European Students)
‧January 31th, 2014 for the Doctorate (Non European Students)
‧February 8 th, 2014 for the Doctorate (European Students)



