
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 AIRVENTURE (Universitas Airlangga) 只需負擔食宿費用 5月22日截止

[公告] 2018 AIRVENTURE (Universitas Airlangga) 只需負擔食宿費用 5月22日截止


印尼姊妹校 Universitas Airlangga 暑期營隊 2018 AIRVENTURE 

Universitas Airlangga  歡迎學生報名參加!

Flyer: International Programs Catalogue UNAIR(P.13)

Airventure is an international program which focuses on initiating about natural and cultural resources of Indonesia. Through on-site visit, field trips and workshop, the students are expected to get hands on experience and empower the community through Community Service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata), such as teaching English exclusively to hildren and youth and learning together with the community about continuous recycling.

-Program Duration: 6-18 August 2018
-Certificate of Attendance & Academic Transcript
-Credit Transferable (4 credits)
-Complimentary: Cultural Trips & Indonesian Language Course

1. Physically and mentally healthy
2. Having strong physical and can swim
3. International Undergraduate and Master Students
4. Interested in Learning about Indonesia and Community Service
5. Good skill in English Language
6. Recommended by home university
7. Undergraduate or Post-Graduate students

Program Fee: Free
Estimated around: 250 USD for accommodation, meals, round trip flight ticket (Surabaya 泗水 to Lampung 楠榜), personal expense excluded.

NTHU Application deadline: 5pm May 22, 2018 (原訂5月18日延長至22日)
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure*
Host U Application deadline: May 30, 2018

Step 1- Finish On-line Application Form for NTHU (Click)
Step 2 - Prepare Documents
(1) NTHU Application Form (Download) →給清華老師的參考資料
(2) Official Transcript (English version) 
(3) A copy of passport
(4) English Proficiency Certificate 
(5) A letter of motivation (750 words max) →主辦單位要求文件
(6) A recommendation letter from home university (academic supervisor)→主辦單位要求文件,請務必告知推薦你的老師以英文撰寫。
(7) Supporting materials
 **Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure**
Step 3 - Email  
Please email ONE pdf file of all documents to dga@my.nthu.edu.tw and kindly name the file and email subject "2018 AIRVENTURE - XX(department) XX (name)" 
Step 4 - Hand In 
Please bring the hard copy of (1) NTHU Application Form only to the DGA office (Room 111, General Building 1)
All steps above should been finished by 5 pm 22th May, 2018
NTHU-DGA will inform NTHU nominated students by 25th May and nominated students should complete Application Online and email documents to Host University before 30th May, 2018.

1. 參與營隊,須全程參與活動,不得缺課、無故離席
2. 活動結束後應主動繳交個人心得報告乙份 (中英文皆可, 250-500字,附照片佳)

Contact information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
Phone:03-5715131 #33428
E-mail: dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
Attention: Tess W

