
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]印尼Airlangga大學GLOBAL SCHOLAR,歡迎本校教師踴躍申請

[公告]印尼Airlangga大學GLOBAL SCHOLAR,歡迎本校教師踴躍申請

  1. VISITING PROFESSOR is Universitas Airlangga invites international experts, professors and researchers to teach,mentor and collaborate in research with UNAIR academicians.
  1. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR is Universitas Airlangga invites international academics who are willing to be hired and Adjunct Professor in Universitas Airlangga at which they affiliate.
  1. ASSISTANT RESEARCH/ POST DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP is Universitas Airlangga invites any academics whose main responsibility to conduct a project/ research.
  1. VISITING FELLOW is Universitas Airlangga invites any International academics to visit Universitas Airlangga for a short period.

For more information, please check the brochure: UNAIR - Airlangga Global Scholars


