
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]APRU Multi-Hazards Summer School and Annual Symposium,歡迎本校師生踴躍報名參加

[公告]APRU Multi-Hazards Summer School and Annual Symposium,歡迎本校師生踴躍報名參加


APRU Multi-Hazards Summer School 2018
July 24-27 at Tohoku University

Applying science, technology and innovation in disaster risk reduction

The Multi-Hazards Summer School consists of a 3-day seminar and a site visit to the affected area impacted by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The Topic will include:

• Science and technology in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
• Lessons-learnt from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
• Good practices of DRR initiatives from overseas
• DRR efforts by local governments, the private sector, NGO in Japan as well as an international organization.
* Above topics are subject to change.

Registration & Deadline:
Please send your name, title, research interest/experience and contact information by email to application_apruss@irides.tohoku.ac.jp no later than June 20, 2018.
No registration fee is required.
Participants are expected to fund their own travel and accommodation.

Additional information:
• Click here to view the flyer
• For more information about the APRU-IRIDeS Summer School, please checkhere.
• For further inquiries, please email Dr. Takako Izumi (Associate Professor, APRU-IRIDeS Multi-Hazards Program Director) at application_apruss@irides.tohoku.ac.jp

14th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium
October 21-24 at Canberra

Risk, Resilience and Reconstruction: Science and Governance for Effective
Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery in Australia and the Asia-Pacific

The symposium is focusing on how close association and collaboration between academia and governance on a local, national and regional level can address education, public outreach, infrastructure construction, disaster management, emergency rescue and hazard recovery in the field of disaster risk reduction.

Keynote speakers:
Distinguished Professor Susan Cutter, USC
Professor Kyle Powys Whyte, Michigan State University
(More speakers to be confirmed soon)
Tentative program:
- October 21 Reception
- October 22 Symposium day one
- October 22 Symposium dinner
- October 23 Symposium day two
- October 24 Post Symposium cultural tour

Deadline for abstract submission: May 15, 2018
For more information related to the host university, venue, and logistics, please check here.
