
首頁 > 最新消息 > [獎學金]法國外交部及高教研究部今年提供4個新的獎助計畫



法國外交部及高教研究部今年提供4個新的獎助計畫, 協助接待國際研究人員博士後、及研究生,領域則鎖定與環境、氣候變遷、能源等相關議題,請協助我們讓貴校的師長、同學們知道此一訊息, 感謝您們的協助!

France’s ministries of Europe and foreign affairs (MEAE) and of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESRI) have implemented 4 programs to welcome international students and researchers in France : 


-Short stay (14 days to 5 months) for researchers

-Co-financing of 12 to 24-month postdoctoral research contracts

-Co-financing of 3-year doctoral contracts (open to French institutions to welcome international PHD students)

-Master’s excellence grants


The related fields are : earth systems, climate change and sustainability, or the energy transition.

Taiwanese researcher and postgraduate are eligible to apply and the deadline for application is April 6th for post-doctoral, masters and short stays programs. 


詳細資訊請參考連結 : For further information : 

Presentation of the program : 



How to apply : 

