
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 Nagoya University Japanese Language Program

[公告] 2018 Nagoya University Japanese Language Program


The Nagoya University Short-Term Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP) offers two week of intensive Japanese classes. Participants will join specialized lectures by faculty and visit some of the laboratories on campus. We aim to promote a greater understanding of Japanese culture and society.
The program also provides various on and off-campus activities such as cultural excursions, field trips, exchanges and discussions with Nagoya University students. All participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the program.


February 8 – February 22, 2018


Nagoya University,Japan


1)  Undergraduate student 
2)  Intermediate level of Japanese proficiency (JLPT N2/N3 or CEFR A2/B1)


60,000 JPN YEN (includes housing, a part of food expenses and insurance for the period of the program)
*Participants are responsible for travel expenses to/from Nagoya and expenses such as food and daily necessities.

For more information please visit: http://ieec.iee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/nustep/application/2018sp.html

日本名古屋大學冬季短期課程徵選,歡迎有興趣的學生報名。請於2017年10月2日下午五點前,填妥及繳交1-申請表2-passport copy、3- Japanese Language Learning Questionnaire 4- Home visit form 5-在校成績單(英文) 6-在學證明(英文) 7-其他有利文件(如日文檢定證明等),請將護照影本和所有文件存成一個PDF寄至fy.chou@mx.nthu.edu.tw (全球處綜事組周小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名2018 Nagoya University Short-Term Japanese Language Program












