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[公告]Peking University Summer School International 2017


Peking University Summer School International 2017

The Peking University Summer School International (PKUSSI) will open its 9th session in July 3-28, 2017, in Beijing, and it embraces aspiring students from all over the world.

Aiming to provide the aspiring students a high-level access to understand China, the PKUSSI taps into the rich pool of the university faculty, as well as its international network of experts, to develop a portfolio of over 40 academic courses taught in English, from humanities to social sciences, to the interdisciplinary studies.

In addition to the intensive academic environment, the program will also offer dynamic social experiences, via city tours, cultural visits and interaction with PKU students through extracurricular activities.

This year, the PKUSSI innovates its course modules, and gives more options for students who have academic ambitions, or pursue at the frontiers of knowledge and industry.

General Courses – for undergraduates who wish to have an in-depth understanding of China
Advanced Courses – for graduate students, and 3rd and 4th year undergraduates
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course – for both undergraduates and graduate students
Attached please find the e-brochures for General Courses, and Advances Courses.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course Info will be released later.
All the information can be found on: www.oir.pku.edu.cn/summerschool

Should you have any questions on the PKU Summer School International Program, please feel free to contact via summerschool@pku.edu.cn, orsummerpku@pku.edu.cn

(請有興趣的同學自行上網報名,校內聯絡人:全球處綜事組 張立昕小姐 分機33428)
